Installing Hellolily

Getting up and running a Hellolily instance is straightforward using our docker-compose setup.


  • you have docker and docker-compose installed
  • you have git installed
  • you have nodejs, npm and gulp installed


  1. Checkout the Hellolily project and install gulp dependencies.
cd ~/projects/
git clone
cd hellolily
npm install
gulp build
  1. Build the docker image. This takes a while the first time. [1]
docker-compose build


This command needs to run every time the Dockerfile, requirements or patches are adjusted. Good practice would be to run it every time the git repo is updated. If nothing changed, the command would complete almost instantly.

  1. Do a first time migration of the models.
docker-compose run web python migrate
  1. Create a search index for ElasticSearch.
docker-compose run web python index
  1. Populate the database with some testdata.
docker-compose run web python testdata
  1. Run the Django development server along with dependent containers.
docker-compose run --service-ports web

Open http://localhost:8000 in your browser to see the running Hellolily instance. You can login using user and admin as password. Congratulations, you now have Hellolily running!


[1]You might experience connectiviy issues duing build. Checkout this post for more info.