Code of Conduct

Participation in the Hellolily project is governed by a code of conduct.

The Hellolily community is a pleasant one to be involved in for everyone, and we wish to keep it that way. Participants are expected to behave and communicate with others courteously and respectfully, whether online or in person, and to be welcoming, friendly and polite.

We will not tolerate abusive behaviour or language or any form of harassment.

Individuals whose behaviour is a cause for concern will be given a warning, and if necessary will be excluded from participation in official Hellolily channels (email lists, IRC channels, etc) and events.

Raising a concern

If you have a concern about the behaviour of any member of the Hellolily community, please contact one of the members of the core development team.

Your concerns will be taken seriously, treated as confidential and investigated. You will be informed, in writing and as promptly as possible, of the outcome.